How to be more organised … here are some tips to start you off

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Do you envy those people that just always seem to be on top of everything, know exactly where everything is and never, ever miss a deadline or meeting? Don't worry about it ... you can be like them too if you really want to ... it will just take a little bit of time and effort.

Believe it or not organised people aren’t born that way … we all have to learn how to be organised, we adopt habits that keep our business and personal lives organised. Here are some tips:

Write things down

Nobody remembers everything, so write things down. If you don’t want to be the person who forgets a task that has to be done, a deadline that has to be met, someones birthday or what to buy at the supermarket on your way home from work, then write it down.

It doesn’t have to be on paper, with numerous apps available it can be on your phone, tablet or on your computer. There are so many options you will be able to find one that suits and helps you!

Schedule tasks

Organised people schedule tasks for a particular day or week; yes they give themselves a deadline! Again this can be on paper, in a diary/planner or on your phone, tablet or computer.

If you do this you will also find that tasks will be done more productively.

Try it out and see if it suits you … do it for a week first of all. I am sure it will help!

Declutter … your workspace and your home

In my opinion we all keep far too much ‘stuff’ that we don’t need or use. So my advice is to declutter both your workspace and your home … not just once a year but regularly. Having a clear workspace can definitely help with your concentration too.

Decluttering in your personal life will mean that you will really appreciate and enjoy the items you select to keep. Oh and you don't have to throw things away ... sell them online or donate to charity then it's win, win!

Everything in it’s place

As with decluttering I am a strong believer that everything has a place … I love ‘the clear desk policy’ where everything is put away (again no distractions)!

Paperwork and stationery etc can be stored tidily, in a cupboard or in boxes on a shelf, and computer files also need to sorted/labelled. If your workplace is well organised you will be also able to find everything quickly and efficiently.

In the home you should store items that are used on a regular basis in an accessible place; while other things can be put in the back of a cupboard (or attic if you really can’t part with them!). 


We really do keep too much unnecessary paperwork? You know what I mean, the receipts, magazine articles that you plan to read etc!! It really isn’t necessary … only keep important documents such as financial statements, tax returns etc but remember most bills and other documents can be downloaded/ scanned and stored on your computer.

In your home why not use Pinterest as a virtual scrapbook for all those images of your dream kitchen, new sofa, favourite plants, recipes etc and bin/recycle all those bits of paper!

I hope these tips are useful … if you don’t do any of this at the moment (in your business or personal life) then it might take you a little time and a bit (or a lot) of effort to get things sorted out BUT in the end these tasks just might become second nature!

Just imagine enjoying a beautifully-organised and clutter-free life and being more efficient with your time as well, oh and not being the one who forgets that important deadline!


Positive thinking …


More time … would you like some?