Productivity IN my business ... or the lack of it!


OK so let’s get to the point ... over the last few months my productivity in my business has not been great. Yes I get everything done that I really, urgently, needed to do but I am not productive in my business. Does this resonate with you?

Don’t get me wrong, all client work is done on time and efficiently (or even ahead of time!) … but it is my productivity working on the essential tasks of running and growing my business that is the issue. Does that matter? Well, yes it does … because as a freelance pa I am always looking for new clients to support and new projects to work on to run alongside my retainer work.

I am normally so good at planning, getting things done efficiently and being really motivated ... but not just now, everything has really gone to pot! I am not productive or efficient with time when I am working on my own ‘tasks’ and I’m lacking motivation to exercise (which I know I need to do) as well … and that’s not a good thing!

I have everything in place …

Yes I really do!! I have lists, well who doesn’t? 

I have a diary, yes I returned to a paper diary a few years ago so that if I cross something out because it didn’t get done I can’t hide it ... making me more accountable ... but only to myself! With a digital diary you can just move a task on a day and nobody is any the wiser, there is no trace … so no guilt? However, even with a paper diary, it’s not working! 

I do not have office distractions, as I work for myself from my little home office, other than dreaming about where I might move to or helping out my kids (well adults now!!) but they still need help and support at times. 

So what is going wrong? What makes someone unproductive?

There are loads of factors that can make you unproductive, so let’s look at a few:

  1. Lack of sleep: we all know that we need a certain amount of sleep and I know that I don’t get a good night’s sleep. This may affect my focus which is why I always do client work before tackling anything else.

  2. A negative mindset: loads of negativity charging around your head certainly won’t help.

  3. Noise: I know that some people say they can work better if there is music, phones ringing, chatter or other noise in an office … but to be honest I work best when there are no distractions at all, notifications are turned off and there is silence (well other than the birds singing outside my window!).

  4. Clutter: a cluttered workspace really can affect your productivity, I like to work with a clear desk then I can’t be distracted by notes relating to another task that also needs to be done.

  5. Too many tasks: if you have loads on your task list for a particular day that really aren’t achievable then it is bound to have an affect on your productivity. It is important to be realistic about what can be achieved in order to complete your tasks. Be more purposeful when planning your day, set fewer goals that are attainable within the time frame.

  6. Prioritising: when planning your day it is important to prioritise the most important tasks so that they are done first. This will involve balancing what is important and urgent.

  7. Lack of direction/goals: you are much more likely to get things done if you have a plan, goals and deadlines and can tick them off when completed.

  8. Procrastination: this is a big one and yes, you’re right, I procrastinate far too much especially on social media! Being present on LinkedIn doesn’t mean you have to be present for hours, just pop on, post, connect, interact/communicate and leave. But that’s easier said than done, isn’t it? You know where I’m coming from?

I have such good intentions at the start of the day, but if tasks don’t have to be done, if it isn’t client work, then all too easily I go off on a tangent and hey presto it’s the end of the day and I’m asking myself: ‘How did I let another day pass like this? What have I achieved for me and my business?’. Next comes the feelings of guilt, anger, exasperation … you name it, all the negativity is there!

I know what I need to do ... 

I need a plan and I need to stick to it. This has been a very strange year but I don’t want to make excuses, I know what I want my daily life to look like, but I just don’t do it at the moment ... so here goes:

I’m going to write my daily schedule and stick to it ... really!! 

After all if you get up every morning and face an unplanned/unorganised day without any goals or targets then it’s not particularly motivating is it? So, going forward I am going to plan and schedule more, much more of my time is going to be spent in a meaningful ways and the inefficiency is heading out of the door. I have put these words in print and I have to stick with them. 

The way forward …

My plan will include a regular start to each day, more structure and routine and getting outdoors! While I would love this plan to include both work and personal tasks I am thinking ‘one thing at a time’. The plan is simple and will hopefully be just what I need. To ensure that this plan works I am also going to include coffee breaks in my schedule … after all they are time-consuming!

So the plan is:

🚶🏻‍♀️ Exercise: as we are approaching winter I am going to plan a walk during the day so I can walk in daylight!

📝 Schedule all work: I already schedule all my client work and never have an issue with completing that but I am also going to schedule work on my business to ensure that I do this too.

Timers: I think this is going to be the most helpful ... I am going to set a timer for any forays onto social media to ensure I don’t spend too much time there!

☞ Hopefully this will work … it is not that I am lacking motivation, I am just not being productive with my time working in my business.

So here are some tips if you are feeling unproductive:

  • Think about what you want for you and your business, write them down. Having things written down should help with both motivation and decision-making about the tasks that need to be completed. You could also produce a mood board, this can be so inspiring and motivational.

  • Consider whether you are an early bird or a night owl before you make your plan. After all if you work best at night there is no point in sitting at your desk at 8am and not doing anything productive until 11am!!

  • Be realistic and create a plan that is achievable. There is no point in creating a beautiful new plan that is highly unlikely to work.

My new plan is based on the fact that winter is coming; I will adapt my plan in the spring when the mornings are lighter and I will be able to walk first thing in the morning before I get to my desk or after I have finished work. We all struggle sometimes for one reason or another, but I am hoping that having a sensible and workable plan for my day will help me be more productive in my business … here’s hoping.

How do you manage to be as productive in your business as you are working for clients?


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